Compromiso con la calidad del Máster EMSE. Imagen de los edificios del Campus de Excelencia Internacional de Montegancedo - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la UPM.


Commitment to Quality

The quality criteria and guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and Spanish legislation itself establish that universities must inform society of their activities, the quality commitments they have assumed and their degree of compliance.

The Higher Technical School of Computer Engineers of the UPM has defined quality as an essential element in its policy and training activity, adopting as its first objective to cover the guidelines and criteria established in the reference documents of the AUDIT Program of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).

The Center’s Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) is designed according to the guidelines of the AUDIT program and with the collaboration of the Vice-Rector for Quality and Strategic Planning of the UPM.

Labor Insertion of Graduates

The Technical Quality Unit of the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineers is launching a follow-up process through questionnaires in order to obtain information on the labor insertion of them, as well as on their degree of satisfaction with the degree .

The study is carried out by means of a survey of the graduated students, and this survey is planned to take place between one and two years after the completion of their studies, in order to give a prudential time margin to be able to study the work or academic life of the graduates. For this reason, to date there are still no significant data in this regard.

Master’s accreditation

The legislation establishes that the initial accreditation of official degrees must be renewed periodically from the date of verification or from the date of their last accreditation (Royal Decree 861/2010, which amends Royal Decree 1393/2007, by which the organization of official university education in Spain is established).

In September 2016, the Master in Software Engineering obtained its accreditation (accreditation report).


Euro-Inf is a quality label awarded to a University in respect of an undergraduate or master’s degree in informatics evaluated according to a series of defined standards, in accordance with the principles of quality, relevance, transparency, recognition and mobility contemplated in the European Higher Education Area according to the prestigious European association EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education). In Spain, the management of this label is carried out by ANECA, as an agency authorized by EQANIE, through the Sellos Internacionales de Calidad program.

The validity of the Euro-Inf quality label for the Master’s Degree in Software Engineering-European Master in Software Engineering is from March 17, 2020 to March 17, 2026, as reflected in the last final report issued by the Euro-Inf Accreditation Commission of ANECA.

The following are some of the main benefits provided by the Euro-Inf label:

  • International recognition of the quality and prestige of the training received by graduates.
  • The guarantee that the training in competencies of the program is comparable to that of other countries of the European Higher Education Area, facilitating academic mobility and entry into other educational programs of other institutions.
  • Providing added value in terms of access to the business world, generating more international employment opportunities and more possibilities for professional mobility.

Follow-up of the Degree and Satisfaction

The Technical Quality Unit of the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineers periodically publishes results and/or reports from studies carried out both at the UPM Academic Observatory and at the Center, regarding the degrees. The objective is, in addition to accountability to society by providing information on the fulfillment of the mandated purposes and the quality of the services, providing information necessary for decision making. Reports are offered about:

  • Access and incoming students’ profile
  • Academic results
  • Satisfaction of stakeholders:
    • Student satisfaction
    • Satisfaction of the PAS and PDI
    • Satisfaction of graduates and employers
  • Complaints, suggestions and congratulations
  • Employability
  • Other studies
  • Recollection of opinions and proposals

It is worth noting the high degree of satisfaction with the degree and with the faculty, and the high employability of our graduates.