Oral Communication in the Scientific and Technological Environment


How to pitch a scientific contribution, paper, project, innovation, or idea

After completing the seminar, students are expected to enjoy an improvement of their skills on the communication and dissemination of scientific research (a paper in a conference) and of innovative projects (an idea for a startup or a new activity within a company). The seminar will use the “pitch” approach typical of the lean startup methodology adapted to an academic setting.


This is a tentative programme. The topics are indicative. Program might be modified depending on the interest of students about the subjects covered, on the level and depth of the discussion.

  1. Session 1
    1. Introduction to the course. Presentation of students (background and motivation).
    2. Program, assignments, and evaluation.
    3. Communication of an idea. The relevance of the audience. Basics of communication.
    4. Elevator pitch. Why this is important? The DNA of an idea.
  2. Session 2
    1. How to pitch an innovative idea. Main elements.
    2. How to pitch scientific research. Main elements
    3. Tried and true. Common mistakes.
    4. Practice makes perfect.

Assessment Method

The evaluation will be based on the individual work. Elevator pitch: 40%; Scientific / Innovation pitch: 40%; Contributions / Attendance during classes: 20%.

The criteria for evaluation will be: Attendance, Understanding of the concepts explained, Ability to apply them in an actual setting, Contributions to discussion.


0.5 ECTS


  • 01 February, 17:00-19:00
  • 15 February, 19:00-21:00

Lecture Theatre

  • A-6205

Tuition Language
